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  • 探秘奇迹大陆·南美五国环游
  • 探秘奇迹大陆·南美五国环游
  • 探秘奇迹大陆·南美五国环游
  • 探秘奇迹大陆·南美五国环游


  • 产品描述: *豪华邮轮*奢华酒店*精华景点
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行程安排:(2024 年1月29日)

Day1. 抵达巴西里约热内卢 Arrive Rio de Janeiro in Brazil
Transfer to hotel upon arrival.
住宿:4* Windsor Plaza Copacabana or similar
Day 2  里约热内卢 Rio de Janeiro
早餐后搭乘缆车登上[面包山]将里约市旖旎风光尽收眼底.随后驱车前往[耶稣山],观赏里约的标志雕塑——张开双臂的耶稣巨像,眺望你特洛伊跨海大桥. 午餐后前往游览世界著名的Copacabana海滩. 随后参观世界第一大足球场Maracana(外观),超级球星脚印台. 晚餐享用地道风味巴西烤肉.
Rio city tour, visit sugarloaf Mt for panoramic city view, Christ the Redeemer, colossal statue of Jesus Christ at the summit of Mount Corcovado. Enjoy free time at Copacabana beach, passing by Maracana the biggest stadium in the world.
餐食:酒店早餐 烧烤晚餐
住宿:4* Windsor Plaza Copacabana or similar
Day 3  里约热内卢 Rio de Janeiro - 伊瓜苏 Iguazu [flight 09:20/11:40]
早餐后前往机场,搭乘境内航班飞往伊瓜苏(巴西境内),抵达后前往市区享用午餐,之后前往瀑布公园,入住园区内唯一的酒店: 贝尔蒙德伊瓜苏瀑布酒店Belmond Hotel Das Cataratas伊瓜苏瀑布所在的伊瓜苏国家公园,于1986年被联合国教科文组织 (UNESCO)列入「人类自然遗产」。1,850平方公里保护林组成了这座世界奇观,而伊瓜苏瀑布酒店则作为公园内唯一的酒店,坐落其中。得天独厚的地理位置,使酒店成为自然的天堂。这里到处弥漫着闲散和浪漫的气息,缓缓行走在长廊或高大的棕榈树下,亲身体验世界上最宽的瀑布,在惊叹大自然的魔力同时, 一袭新鲜的慵懒感让每分每秒回归原始真义。作为东方快车集团旗下酒店,除了典雅华贵的装饰设计,葡萄牙殖民时期的建筑风格也是酒店 一大特色。酒店铺上为其度身设计的传统葡萄牙彩绘瓷砖,将葡萄牙历史特色完美融合于建筑之中;所有的客房均饰以由著名巴西艺术家 Ludmilla de Monte 绘画的当地动植物画作。酒店花园里还种有不同种类的热带植物和高贵的兰花。得益于伊瓜苏瀑布延伸出的支流,酒店四周水草茂盛,种类繁多的植被舒心地蓬勃生长。酒店地下为 Belvedere 观景台是拍照的最佳位置,我们可以于此尽览伊瓜苏瀑布美不胜收的景观。成为这家伊瓜苏公园唯一酒店的客人,我们能在那些最特别的时间, 得到不一样的体验。在公园不对外开放的晨间和日暮,我们坐在瀑布边观赏日出和日落的盛况;在宁静的夜里,我们信步林间,感受丛林间的原始气息;酒店还为我们 准备了丰富多彩的户外活动,入住这样一家充满热带色彩的酒店,兴之所至时,我们能与丛林的野生动物亲密接触,或者观赏色彩斑斓的犀鸟和蝴蝶。我们在此充分 感受这片热带天堂的魅力,感受这趟旅行的刺激和美好。
Transfer to airport for flight to Iguazu, enjoy lunch at a local restaurant then check in to hotel, The only hotel within Brazil’s 715-square-mile Iguaçú National Park , the 1958-built Das Cataratas is an elaborate Portuguese colonial–style building in delicate pink; lintels, porticos, and balustrades in brilliant white; a spacious pool, and a spa. The 187 rooms—stuffed with heavy wooden furniture, florid Portuguese tilework, and repeated subtropical motifs—feel a bit cramped, and the reception desk appears understaffed. What’s unbeatable, though, is the location: The hotel’s lawns slope down to a splendid lookout over Iguaçú Falls, its sound and fury overpowering. Activities include helicopter and boat tours, and a simple stroll down paths of the park during daytime hours is a privilege afforded only to hotel guests. It’s possible to observe tapirs, corzuela deer, and raccoon-like coatis bedding down for the night, before you return to the poolside open-air restaurant and a feast of grilled tilapia, partridge, and duck ravioli served amid verdant gardens of palm, mango, and tropical apricot.
餐食:酒店早餐 当地午餐
住宿:5* Belmond Hotel Das Cataratas
Day 4  伊瓜苏瀑布 Iguazu Falls
Iguazú Falls or Iguaçu Falls are waterfalls of the Iguazu River on the border of the Argentine province of Misiones and the Brazilian state of Paraná. Together, they make up the largest waterfall system in the world. The falls divide the river into the upper and lower Iguazu. Legend has it that a deity planned to marry a beautiful woman named Naipí, who fled with her mortal lover Tarobá in a canoe. In a rage, the deity sliced the river, creating the waterfalls and condemning the lovers to an eternal fall.
Join a Jet Boat Safari at your own expenses if you want to get wet and get close to the fall.Lunch and dinner at your own expenses in the hotel.
住宿:5* Belmond Hotel Das Cataratas
Day 5  伊瓜苏 Iguazu - 布宜诺斯艾利斯 Buenos Aires [flight TBA]
After breakfast, transfer to the board to enter Argentina, explore Iguazu from the other side. Lunch at a local restaurant before flight to Buenos Aires.
Upon arrival, transfer to hotel in Plaza de Mayo, the city square was named after 1810 revolution that took place here, leading to Argentina's independence. You may find plenty of restaurants, bars and theater nearby, dinner at your own expenses.
住宿:5* NH Collection Buenos Aires Centro Histórico
Day 6  布宜诺斯艾利斯 Buenos Aires
下午前往探戈舞的发源地博卡区, 在十九世纪末二十世纪初,大量欧洲移民来到布宜诺斯艾利斯市定居。当时的博卡区相当繁盛妓院和咖啡馆到处林立,而一些移民滞留在港口的地下层工人,生活不稳定,空闲时就唱歌跳舞消磨时光。探戈就是在这种特殊环境下产生的,后演变成一种风气,特殊的表演艺术形式。昔日繁盛的博卡码头如今变成了一条, “步行街道博物馆”。这里充满了阳光色彩,不长的“卡米尼托”街是博卡区最有代表性的一条街道。色彩鲜艳,五颜六色的铁皮屋,就在步行道两旁,地上铺着碎石,墙壁上的石刻和壁画展现了多样的风貌,步行街摆卖的都是画作和纪念品之类,装潢特色的咖啡馆餐厅也叫人流连忘返,“卡米尼托”街似乎留住了时光,默默在向游人诉说它的过去。
City tour with free time in the afternoon at La Boca.
餐食:酒店早餐 当地午餐 当地晚餐
住宿:5* NH Collection Buenos Aires Centro Histórico
Day 7  布宜诺斯艾利斯 Buenos Aires - 诺唯真邮轮 NORWEGIAN SUN
Free at leisure after checkout. Transfer to port to embark NORWEGIAN SUN for 16 nights cruise.
餐食:酒店早餐 邮轮晚餐
Day 8  乌拉圭蒙得维的亚[登岸] Montevideo, Uruguay [08:30~15:30]
邮轮靠岸乌拉圭首都蒙得维的亚, 您可以在船上报名参加上岸行程游览城区、造访酒庄或农场(英文讲解), 或者只是上岸去走走,这里有殖民时代的建筑和美丽的海滩,很适合放松的漫步.
Resting on the southernmost point of the Rio de la Plata, Uruguay's capital is a charming city. Tour the Establecimiento Juanico winery with buildings dating back to 1849. Wander the Plaza Independencia or take in the scenery at Estancia La Rabida.

Day 9  海上航行 At Sea
邮轮上自由活动 Cruising at sea
Day 10  马德林港[登岸] Puerto Madryn, Argentina [10:30~20:00]
If you want to see wildlife, go to the Punta Tombo Nature Reserve. Puerto Madryn is a gateway to remote wildlife preserves and Argentine patagonia. Visit the Paleontology Museum in the Chubut Valley.
Day 11  海上航行 At Sea
邮轮上自由活动 Cruising at sea
Day 12  福克兰群岛斯坦利[登岸] Stanley, Falkland Islands [09:30~20:00]
邮轮靠岸斯坦利港, 英属福克兰群岛的首府,它看起来就像一个英国的村庄,许多房屋被漆成明亮的颜色。在这里可以去圣公会大教堂走走,或者自由漫步在街上,找一家当地人的酒吧;历史悠久的码头博物馆也值得一游,涵盖了该地区的自然和文化历史。福克兰是企鹅的繁殖地,其中最多的品种有岩企鹅、麦哲伦企鹅和巴布亚企鹅,还有少数的王企鹅和马卡罗尼企鹅;群岛海豚和鼠海豚极为普遍,南海狮和象海豹也很多,在个别僻静地还发现有海獭;此外群岛还有大约65种鸟类,包括黑眉信天翁、福克兰鹨、游隼和条纹长脚鹰等;因此福克兰群岛是个不折不扣的动物乐园,这些在苦寒之地生存的动物们才是这里的主人。您可以在船上报名参加上岸行程, 与野生动物亲密接触.
Arrive to the capital of the Falkland Islands, also known as Port Stanley and you'll find a coastal town worthy of a jigsaw puzzle. This quaint city is home to a small population (so few are the residents that the town's only "jail" can only hold thirteen people.) But it's a place big on things to see and do. Whether you visit the Anglican Christ Church Cathedral, the southernmost cathedral in the world, or look for penguins.
Day 13  海上航行-智利合恩角 At Sea - Cape Horn, Chile
邮轮驶过合恩角, 位于奥尔诺斯小岛上的合恩角是智利南部火地群岛最南端的岬角。 虽然合恩角不是南美洲的最南端,但合恩角标志着德雷克海峡的北部边界,大西洋与太平洋的交汇处。 合恩角由荷兰人 Willem Schouten 发现并首次绕过,在 1914 年巴拿马运河开通之前,合恩角一直是船舶在世界各地进行贸易的主要地点。
Located on the small island of Hornos Island, Cape Horn is the southernmost headland of the Tierra del Fuego archipelago of southern Chile. Although it’s not the most southern point of South America (the Diego Ramírez Islands holds that claim), Cape Horn marks the northern boundary of the Drake Passage, where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Pacific Ocean. Discovered and first rounded by the Dutchman Willem Schouten, Cape Horn was a major point where ships carried trade around the world until the Panama Canal opened in 1914.
Day 14  阿根廷乌斯怀亚[登岸] Ushuaia, Argentina [07:00抵达]
邮轮靠岸世界最南的城市——乌斯怀亚, 也称世界尽头。它特有的地理位置,使之成为通往南极洲的门户而驰名世界。小城街边全是在童话里才会出现的、那种属于白雪公主的可爱小木屋,依山傍水,郁郁葱葱的山坡和巍峨洁白的雪山交相辉映,构成一幅绝美的风景画。您可以在船上报名参加上岸行程, 去捕捞帝王蟹大快朵颐,或者去造访世界尽头的邮局和监狱,去火地岛国家公园与野生动物亲密接触,去寻找企鹅和欣赏美景.
Hike beautiful trails framed by the sea, forests, lakes and mountains. See Andean Condors and the rugged beauty of Tierra del Fuego National Park. Ushuaia is one of two main cities on the island territory of Tierra del Fuego.
Day 15  阿根廷乌斯怀亚[登岸] Ushuaia, Argentina [14:00离开]
邮轮下午14:00离港. Departing Ushuaia 14:00
Day 16  蓬塔阿雷纳斯[登岸] Punta Arenas, Chile [08:30~20:30]
邮轮靠岸智利港口蓬塔阿雷纳斯, 它是智利南部最大的港口,以及著名的麦哲伦海峡所在地。“蓬塔”在西班牙语中,意思是“尖端”,顾名思义,这里就是南美大陆最南端的城市。您可以在船上报名参加上岸行程, 去麦哲伦海峡泛舟,去小岛上观测企鹅,或是造访早起登陆者的遗迹.
From the original name "Sandy Point," this southernmost capital city in Chile had its humble beginnings as sparse penal colony near the Straits of Magellan. Today, Punta Arenas is regarded as a geopolitical point of interest given its strategic location as a gateway to the Antarctic Peninsula.
Day 17  海上航行 At Sea
Cruising at sea
Day 18  海上航行 At Sea
Cruising at sea
Day 19  智利查卡布科港[登岸] Puerto Chacabuco, Chile [07:00~17:00]
邮轮靠岸智利查卡布科港, 在智利最为壮观的海岸风光中,这个不大的港口城镇坐落于一个狭窄、美丽的峡湾中。纵深的峡湾巧妙地切入到冰雪覆盖的安第斯山脉的底部,而大量的冰川消融雪水则通过古河谷加速了峡湾的形成,从而造就了一个野生动植物的天堂。您可以在船上报名参加上岸行程, 去探望黑天鹅,或是造访壮观的峡湾和冰川.
Keep an eye out for Black Necked swans and the endangered Giant Condor. Sculptured icebergs, soaring fjords and Andean peaks are all around you. Visit the cascading waterfalls of Riserva Nacional Rio Simpson.

Day 20  卡斯特罗[登岸] Castro, Chile [09:00~19:00]
卡斯特罗坐落在悬崖上,俯瞰大海和著名的海滨帕拉菲托斯 - 色彩缤纷的高跷木屋。 这座城市将当地传统和传奇的历史与现代时尚的氛围融为一体,并以其蓬勃发展的美食和周围的自然美景而闻名。 无论您是想划皮划艇出海游览、参观历史遗迹和博物馆,还是前往内陆探索狂风肆虐的内陆地区,这座岛屿都能满足每个人的需求。您可以在船上报名参加上岸行程, 去水上泛舟或是造访历史遗迹,甚至到内陆去探险.
The biggest city on Chiloé and the capital of the archipelago, Castro is located on a bluff overlooking the sea and its famous waterfront palafitos - colourful wooden houses built on stilts. The city blends local traditions and a storied past with a modern, trendy atmosphere and is known for its bourgeoning culinary scene and surrounding natural beauty. Whether you wish to take to the water on a kayak tour, visit historic sites and museums or journey inland to explore the windswept and wild interior, this island offers something for everyone to enjoy.
Day 21  智利蒙特港[登岸] Puerto Montt, Chile [07:00~18:00]
See the Osorno Volcano, often compared to Mt. Fuji for its perfect symmetry. Visit the jewel of the Lake District, Lago Todos Los Santos. Your gateway to Chile's Lake District, a land of green rapids, waterfalls and awesome scenery.
Day 22  海上航行 At Sea
邮轮上自由活动 Cruising at sea
Day 23  邮轮抵达圣地亚哥 (瓦尔帕莱索 Valparaíso) Santiago Chile disembark
邮轮抵达智利首都圣地亚哥,早餐后根据团队安排时间下船,我们的导游会在码头迎接,简单游览瓦尔帕莱索港口,这里以丰富的街头艺术和多彩的房屋而闻名. 接着前往圣地亚哥市区, 游览圣克里斯托弗山(Cerro San Cristóbal): 这座山坡上有一座大型圣克里斯托弗雕像,是圣地亚哥的标志性景点之一。您可以乘坐缆车或徒步登顶,从山上欣赏壮观的城市全景; 拉莫尼达区(Barrio Lastarria): 这是一个充满文化和艺术氛围的街区,拥有许多艺术画廊、小酒吧、咖啡馆和精品店。您可以漫步在这个地区,欣赏街头艺术和品味当地美食; 贝尔拉维斯塔宫(Palacio de La Moneda): 这是智利政府的官邸,也是政治和文化活动的中心。您可以参观宫殿的外部,还可以观看每天的卫兵换班仪式; 中央市场(Mercado Central de Santiago): 这是一个历史悠久的市场,以其新鲜的海鲜和当地美食而闻名。您可以在这里尝试一些经典的智利菜肴,如海鲜炖和玉米饼。
送您到酒店放下行李后开始游览市区: 武器广场、中央邮局、圣地亚哥大教堂、奥希金斯大街、圣卢西亚山等. 午、晚餐自理.
Arrive Valparaiso, disembark after breakfast, leaving Valparaiso for Santiago city tour, including Cerro San Cristóbal for panoramic view of the city, Barrio Lastarria and Mercado Central de Santiago for local food and markets, and Palacio de La Moneda the palace of the city.
住宿:4* Radisson Blu Plaza El Bosque Santiago or similar
Day 24  圣地亚哥Santiago 圣佩德罗·德·阿塔卡马San pedro de atacama [flight 13:49/15:55]
下午抵达前往月亮谷,入住沙漠村庄特色酒店. 一边享用下午茶,一边静候“日落月出”。落日沉沉西下,背后的安地斯山脉被余辉染得一片通红,同时地平线的另一端月亮缓缓升起,此情此景让人不由自主的赞叹造物主的伟大。
Transfer to airport for flight to San pedro de atacama. Upon arrival, transfer to Valley of the Moon, Valle de la Luna, it’s known for its moonlike landscape of dunes, rugged mountains and distinctive rock formations. Stay 2 nts in a local village lodge in a rural location.
住宿:4* NOI Casa Atacama
Day 25  圣佩德罗San pedro
上午前往盐湖(Salar de Atacama)游览,途经Toconao小镇和Jerez谷。远远望去,近1000公里的阿塔卡玛鎮全部铺满了大大小小的盐結晶块,在阳光照射下闪闪发亮。参观红鹤保护区内的Chaxas盐湖,红鹤们或展翅飞翔,或漫步湖中,自由自在,令人神往。之后前往风景秀丽的Miscanti及Miñiques高原湖泊,湖水湛蓝明净、波光粼粼,两旁的雪峰倒映在冰蓝色的湖水中,景色优美,令人留连忘返。 中午抵达高地小镇Socaire,下午参观当地农作物并了解原著民的居住方式,亦可顺便购买当地纪念品。
Visit the largest salt flat in Chile. It is surrounded by mountains and lacks drainage outlets. To the east, it is enclosed by the main chain of the Andes, while to the west lies a secondary mountain range called Cordillera de Domeyko. Visit Miscanti lake before heading to Socaire for lunch, In the Socaire town you will find the perfect place to enjoy the natural beauty of the Atacama Salar. Located 3500 meters above sea level, in the second region, Socaire is the main natural balcony of the salar and it has a beautiful handmade crafts (specially jerseys).
餐食:当地早餐 当地午餐 当地晚餐
住宿:4* NOI Casa Atacama
Day 26  圣佩德罗San pedro - 希托卡洪 Hito Cajon - 维拉马尔 Villamar
上午驱车前往玻利维亚智利边境处的希托卡洪 Hito Cajon办理过境手续. 穿过安第斯山脉进入REA自然保护区后游览绿湖,近6000米高的圆锥形火山令绿湖更添美感,湖水无风时呈浅蓝色,当刮起大风时,便变成奇妙的绿色,令人过目难忘。名叫“清晨阳光”的火山区,海拔4850米,是一个间歇泉盆地,沼泽冒着泡泡,有许多地狱景象的喷气孔,硫磺烟雾缭绕刺鼻。我们还会在一处温泉歇足,洗温泉浴。 以及红湖, 这里是世界唯一的‘詹姆斯火烈鸟’的栖息地. 当晚入住特色岩石酒店,酒店坐落在一块巨大的天然岩石中,将建筑与自然融为一体,房间的墙壁就是岩石的一部分.
After breakfast, transfer to Uyuni. The journey will start in Hito Cajón. Departure to Laguna Verde. Behind the lake rises the cone of the Licancabur Volcano, with an altitude of 5960 meters. We are going to continue to Laguna Colorada. There we shall see the famous "JAMES’ FLAMINGOS” unique in the world, the eternal snows, also, we can see the different colors of the lagoon until it gets red. The rich red coloration is derived from a type of algae and plankton. On the way, we are going to see Valle de Dalí (Dali’s Valley), this is a site of intense volcanic activity; the Chalviri thermal waters and the Geysers Sol de Mañana (Morning Sun). At appropriate time we will arrive to Villamar village. The hotel is located in one of the most impressive places on the famous Lagunas route and nestled in a huge natural rock, our hotel-refuge is an architectural hybrid in which living nature is a fundamental part of the experience
餐食:酒店早餐 当地午餐 酒店晚餐
住宿:Hotel Mallku Cueva
Day 27  维拉马尔 Villamar - 乌尤尼Uyuni
早餐后前往参观托马斯·拉哈斯附近的洞穴壁画和废墟,继续前往石之谷,这是一组因风蚀而成名的岩石地貌,还有另一个名为意大利的岩石地貌,您还将参观加塔尔和温托拉贡斯,以及阿洛塔、库尔皮纳K、圣克里斯托瓦尔教堂等村庄,最终抵达乌尤尼镇,我们将参观火车墓地,您可以看到19世纪和20世纪蒸汽机车的遗骸。然后继续前往科尔查尼村,我们将参观一个盐加工厂。入住特色盐砖酒店Luna Salada, 整个酒店以盐块建筑而闻名,当地手工艺品作为装饰, 这里有着乌尤尼盐滩的全景视野。
Visit to the cave paintings and ruins near Tomas Lajas, continuation to The Stone Valley, this is a group of famous rock formations due to the wind erosion, and another rock formation named Italia, you will also visit Catal and Vinto Laggons, and the villages of Alota, Culpina K, San Cristobal Church, until Uyuni town where we’ll visit the trains’ cemetery where we can see the remains of 19th and 20th century steam locomotives. Then continue to the village of Colchani, where we will see a salt processing plant, arrive, and transfer to your hotel.
Luna Salada - salt hotel emphasizes the extravagant building with blocks of salt and it is known for its panoramic views of Uyuni salt flats. As well as allows a person to relax the body and mind with spaces decorated with crafts of the area.
餐食:酒店早餐 当地午餐 酒店晚餐
住宿:盐砖酒店 Luna Salada
Day 28  乌尤尼Uyuni
今天从参观科尔查尼开始,了解当地人在他们的手工艺品中使用的盐提取方法。 随后进入令人惊叹的乌尤尼盐滩,这里拥有超过12,000平方公里的纯盐。参观位于乌尤尼盐滩的中心的“通往天堂的阶梯”,这是著名的玻利维亚艺术家加斯顿·乌加尔德的作品之一, 由盐制成的阶梯。您将看到“盐之眼”, 这些是流经乌尤尼盐滩下方的地下河流的出口, 从盐滩内部流出的水具有特殊的酸浓度,被当地人认为是药用水。继续前往因卡翁西岛,这是一个独特的绿洲和孤立的生态系统,遍布高达10米的巨大仙人掌!在盐滩中间享受午餐是一次独特的体验!下午,我们将有机会拍有趣的“镜面”照片。我们的司机和导游已经成为拍照专家,一定会为您留下“天空之境”的倩影。返回乌尤尼的路上欣赏到美丽的日落, 太阳的颜色与盐相结合产生的效果无比壮观, 是拍摄出色照片的绝佳时机。
Our day begins with the visit of Colchani we will observe the salt extraction methods used by the local people in their artisanal fabrics.  We will then enter the incredible Uyuni salt flats, with more than 12,000 km2 of pure salt. Visit the “Stairs to heaven” which is one of the works of the renowned Bolivian artist Gaston Ugalde. It is a staircase made of salt that is in the middle of the Uyuni salt flat. It is an interesting stop to have nice pictures. Then, we will see the “Eyes of the Salt”. These are the outlets for subterranean rivers flowing under the Uyuni Salt Flat. The waters flowing from inside the salt flat have particular acidic concentrations and are considered medicinal waters by the locals. Continue our journey to Incahuasi Island, which is a unique oasis and isolated ecosystem that is populated by giant cactuses up to 10 meters high, amazing!  A unique experience having lunch in the middle of the salt flats await us!  In the afternoon we will have the chance to take the funny “perspective” pictures. Our driver and guide will help us. They are already experts in this subject. Finally, when returning to Uyuni, we will enjoy a beautiful sunset, which is one of the most beautiful moments that we will see in this place. The effect caused by the colors of the sun together with the salt make us have a spectacular landscape. It's a great time to get great photos.
餐食:酒店早餐 野餐午餐 酒店晚餐
住宿:盐砖酒店 Luna Salada
Day 29  乌尤尼Uyuni - 拉巴斯La Paz [flight 09:15/10:15]
早餐后送往机场,搭乘航班飞往玻利维亚首都拉巴斯,抵达后接机送往酒店放下行李, 享用午餐后自由活动.
After breakfast transfer to airport for flight to La Paz, enjoy lunch and check in to hotel
餐食:酒店早餐 当地午餐
住宿:5* Atix Hotel
Day 30  拉巴斯La Paz
The tour goes through Gold, Murillo and Costumbrista museums also visit to the viewpoint "Mirador de Killi Killi", from where there is a magnificent view over La Paz. There will also be a visit to various street markets including a traditional market where traditional agricultural products from the highlands, such as quinoa, tunta, chuño (dehydrated potato) and oca (sweet tuber) are sold; the Witch Market, where locals buy supplies for ritual ceremonies like the Ch'alla and also offerings to the Pachamama (Mother Earth). Ride by cable car “Teleférico”, it’s a good choice to discover an excellent and beautiful view of La Paz. The tour passes through the modern, affluent residential area of the city before concluding in the Valley of the Moon, where a clay mountain has been impressively shaped by erosion
餐食:酒店早餐 当地午餐 当地晚餐
住宿:5* Atix Hotel
Day 31  拉巴斯La Paz - 库斯科 Cusco - 圣谷 Sacred Valley [flight: 15:25/15:35]
充分休息洗去多日的疲惫. 下午搭乘航班飞往秘鲁库斯科,抵达后接机前往圣谷入住酒店. 印加神圣山谷是秘鲁安第斯高原上的一个地区,与附近的库斯科市和古城马丘比丘一起构成了印加帝国的中心。入住特色历史酒店, 该酒店位于一座历史悠久的修道院内,这个修道院具有悠久的历史和文化背景。入住这里可以让您感受到历史的魅力和宁静。酒店的建筑和内部装饰都非常精致,展示了传统秘鲁风格和手工艺品。
Free at leisure in the morning, lunch at your own expenses. Transfer to airport for flight to Cusco, where you will descend into the Sacred Valley below Cusco. The Sacred Valley of the Incas is a region in Peru’s Andean highlands which, along with the nearby town of Cusco and the ancient city of Machu Picchu, formed the heart of the Inca Empire.
住宿:Boutique San Agustín Monasterio de la Recoleta
Day 32  圣谷 Sacred Valley
在今天的印加神圣山谷之旅中,您将有许多拍摄古代印加村庄和废墟的机会,同时了解印加人的文化和信仰。这次旅行是理解印加人独特的生活方式、农业技术和考古设计的理想开端。第一站是皮萨克村,漫步在丰富多彩的市场摊位前,然后向山上走,前往著名的皮萨克废墟,还有因蒂瓦塔纳、卡拉卡萨和金奇拉卡废墟。在俯瞰山谷的花园里享受丰盛的自助午餐, 晚餐在酒店自理.
On today’s Sacred Valley of the Incas tour, you will be presented with plenty of photo opportunities of ancient Incan villages and ruins, whilst learning about the culture and beliefs of the Incan people. This tour is the perfect start to understanding the unique way of life, farming techniques, and archaeological design of the Incas. The first stop is the village of Pisac. Wander the colourful market stalls before heading uphill to the famous Pisac ruins, Intihuatana, Q’allaqasa and Kinchiracay ruins. Enjoy a fine buffet lunch in gardens overlooking the Valley before continuing along the River Urubamba, to Ollantaytambo, which is dominated by a giant Incan fortress.
餐食:酒店早餐 当地午餐
住宿:Boutique San Agustín Monasterio de la Recoleta
Day 33  圣谷 Sacred Valley - 马丘比丘 Machu Picchu
今天将是您在南美洲的重要亮点之一,因为您将参观马丘比丘。早餐后前往奥兰塔亚坦博火车站,搭乘一列风景如画的火车抵达世界上最著名的废墟之一。抵达后前往联合国教科文组织世界遗产地,您将在那里度过下午,欣赏古老建筑和令人惊叹的环境, 您的导游将解释这座15世纪的印加遗址,当晚入住热水镇的温泉酒店。
Today will be one of your highlights in South America with a visit to Machu Picchu. A transfer will collect you and transfer you to Ollantaytambo train station to board a scenic train and arrive in one of the world’s most famous ruins after the morning fog and crowds have cleared. A guide will meet you on arrival and take you directly to the UNESCO World Heritage Site, where you will spend the afternoon marvelling at the stunning display of ancient architecture and incredible surroundings. located 2,430 metres above sea level, your guide will explain the 15th-century Inca site before taking you to your hotel for the night in Aguas Calientes.
住宿:4* Taypikala Boutique Machupicchu
Day 34  马丘比丘 Machu Picchu - 库斯科 Cusco
早餐后搭乘火车返回奥兰塔亚坦博,继续前往库斯科. 途中参观马拉斯盐池,这些位于山腰上的盐池来自隔壁高山的地下泉水, 据说历史比印加时期更早。接着前往莫雷,那里有一座令人印象深刻的印加遗址,巨大的圆形梯田被认为是用于农业实验。当晚入住安第斯山脉海拔3,400米处的库斯科酒店。
Start your journey back to Cusco by boarding a return train to Ollantaytambo. A transfer will be waiting as you arrive back to Ollantaytambo station to continue onwards to Cusco. En route, you will visit the Maras Salt ponds, believed to pre-date the Inca period. These shallow pools, dug into the mountainside, are filled with salt water from an underground spring from an adjacent mountain. Continue to Moray, which boasts an impressive Inca ruin of giant circular terraces that are believed to have been used for agricultural experimentation. You will then be dropped to your hotel in Cusco, set at an altitude of 3,400 metres in the Peruvian Andes.
住宿:4* Novotel Cusco
Day 35  库斯科 Cusco - 利玛 Lima [flight TBA]
游览库斯科, 从印加时代到殖民统治再到现代,了解这个城市的历史,穿越狭窄的鹅卵石街道,参观库斯科市场。参观引人入胜的科里坎查太阳神庙,库斯科的阿尔马斯广场和大教堂,它建在印加宫殿的废墟上,最后前往萨克萨瓦曼,这是一座坐落在库斯科上方山丘上的印加古堡。结束后送机飞往利玛.
Explore Cusco’s fascinating history. Learn about this city from the Inca times to colonial rule to the present day, winding through narrow cobble-stoned streets and visiting the market of Cusco. Visit the fascinating Koricancha Temple of the Sun, Cusco’s Plaza de Armas and Cathedral, built on the ruins of an Inca Palace and finish up at Sacsayhuaman, a former Inca fortress perched atop the hill above Cusco. Flight to Lima afterward.
餐食:酒店早餐 当地午餐
住宿:4* Radisson Hotel Decapolis Miraflores or similar
Day 36  利玛 Lima
探索利马丰富的历史和文化. 沿着风景如画的马莱孔滨海长廊漫步,以猫咪居民和当地工艺品市场而闻名的肯尼迪公园。继续前往巴兰科,利马的波西米亚区,以其多彩的街道、艺术画廊和标志性的“叹息之桥”而闻名。在当地咖啡馆享用美味的秘鲁早餐或小吃。前往利马历史中心,这是联合国教科文组织的世界文化遗产。参观圣马丁广场,这个美丽的广场周围有历史建筑。探索主广场,包括政府宫、利马大教堂和大主教宫。进入令人惊叹的利马大教堂,探索其令人印象深刻的内部。参观圣多明我修道院和地下墓穴,这是一个地下迷宫,充满了古老的头骨和骨骼。在著名的本地餐厅享用传统的秘鲁午餐.
Stroll along the scenic Malecón boardwalk, offering breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean. Explore Kennedy Park, known for its resident cats and local artisan markets. Continue to Barranco, Lima's bohemian district, famous for its colorful streets, art galleries, and the iconic Puente de los Suspiros (Bridge of Sighs). Enjoy a delicious Peruvian coffee or snack at a local cafe. Head to the historic center of Lima, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.Visit Plaza San Martin, a beautiful square surrounded by historic buildings.Explore Plaza Mayor (Main Square), featuring the Government Palace, Cathedral of Lima, and Archbishop's Palace.Enter the stunning Cathedral of Lima and explore its impressive interior.Visit the Santo Domingo Convent and Catacombs, an underground labyrinth filled with ancient skulls and bones. Savor a traditional Peruvian lunch at a renowned local restaurant.
餐食:酒店早餐 当地午餐
住宿:4* Radisson Hotel Decapolis Miraflores or similar
Day 37  离开利玛 Lima departure
早餐后办理退房手续, 根据航班送往机场,结束南美之行.
Free at leisure before transfer to airport for your flight departing Lima, end of this tremendous journey.




自备机票(1月30任意航班抵达里约参团) -AUD2000

邮轮升级海景房(双人间每人) AUD320.00

邮轮升级阳台房(双人间每人) AUD2200

1.澳洲出发全程机票含税 Return airfare with current taxes
2.当地全程交通 Local transportation
3.16晚游轮Norweigian Sun内舱双人间(第三第四人或升级海景/阳台请另询)
4.20晚当地4-5星酒店+特色住宿 20 nights 4-5 star hotels in local rating
5.全程88正餐(36早28午24晚餐)含当地特色餐饮 Breakfast, Lunch & dinner in local & international cuisine
6.全程景点及活动门票 Admissions and activities
7.当地中/英文导游(部分地区没有中文服务) Local Mandarine or English speaking guide
8.澳洲领队 Tour escort from Australia (若参团人数不满10人则不派领队)

1.护照、签证费用(若有) Passport Visa cost if any
2.行李超重费用[行李额见各航空公司] Excess baggage[refer to airline baggage allowances]
3.当地司导及领队小费全程共A$500 Gratuities to local guide, driver and tour escort A$500
4.个人旅游保险及其他个人消费 Travel insurance & personal expenses"


1.距出发日期45天前取消扣除$5400每人手续费 45 days before departure, forfeit of deposit
2.距出发日期45天内恕不退款 Within 45 days of departure, no refund

1.价格为AUD每人, 以两人一房为基准 Prices are per person based on twin share, in AUD
2.下单即需支付订金$5400每人,尾款需于出发前45天前付清 Deposit of $5400pp payable upon booking, balance is due 45 days before departure
3.行程所述酒店或更换为同级其他酒店 Hotels listed are for examply only, may change to similar
4.儿童价适用于旅团结束时仍不满12岁的儿童 Child prices are for kids under 12 yrs on the day of return
5.不满2岁婴儿不提供座位、床位、餐食 Infants under 2 yrs will travel without seat and meals
6.当地盛行小费,请自备美金或当地货币打赏酒店及餐厅服务人员 Tipping to hotel and restaurant staff is recommended
7.地接社保留根据当地政府的政令及交通限令等不可抗力调整行程的权利 Itinerary may change due to local traffic and government restrictions
8.如因人数不足10人未能成行客人可以选择其他团期或者全额退款 If the tour is cancelled due to less than min 10 pax, we will change or refund for free
9.如因乘客个人原因不能参团请诉诸个人旅游保险 Travel insurance is highly recommended, we do not grand refund for personal reasons
10.请查阅乘客是否符合目的地相关疫苗和检测要求,我社概不承担乘客因疫苗、检测、护照、签证等原因被拒绝登机产生的损失 It is your own responsibility to make sure you meet travel requirement to destinations involved
【关于签证 Visa requirement】
11.澳洲护照只需办理智利签证,其他国家免签 Australian nationals require a visa to enter Chile, other countries are visa free.


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